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It is a truth universally acknowledged

Book-centric posting from a lover of video games, art, comics and reading. I run a personal blog on Tumblr

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Dean Koontz
By Jane Lindskold Artemis Awakening (1st First Edition) [Hardcover]
Jane Lindskold
Progress: 177/273 pages

On Trios and Love

By Jane Lindskold Artemis Awakening (1st First Edition) [Hardcover] - Jane Lindskold

It's been awhile since I've had the opportunity to enjoy a golden trio. I compare all character trios to Fry, Bender and Leela, but I like my bar set high. Griffon, Adara and Terrell are working nicely, offering different sets of skills and weaknesses, trusting and questioning each other at the best moments. I don't find the love triangle aspect a reduction of the female character, as I normally do, because everyone is open with each other in the trio about how they feel. Can we just get a threesome going on in here?